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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ZERT-od 5
odd MOLLY 18
UTSAV an ode to food +oval 16
OAC odhav aqua care neer 32
odisha 24X7 35
odisha TV 38
MISS odisha +stars & arcs 35
NEWS LIVE odisha +squares 41
odiya DALMA +squares 42
VAPO odo fresh 3
odomos +woman child crescen 5
MORTEIN odourless +insect 5
odyssey ALTA SIGNA +feather 9
odyssey FROM v.i.p. 18
oe OMEGA 14, 30
P & PEC oem superior 7
of & or 5
1 +portrait of lady 24
1 BY 3 +cartoon of boys 25
1/4th moon as face of man 1
1968 SINGARAJA best of worl 43
2 flags & map of India 16
2001 silks of india 16, 25
27 symbol of trust +circles 30
5 AAB sound of rivers 9
8 POURE +cartoon of bird 35
9 NAMONINE symbol of purity 1, 30
99 JEWELS symbol of purity 14, 16
A +fin of aircraft 27
A +head of indian 29
A AKBAR TRAVELS of india 16
A AVCON +cartoon of boy 30, 32
A M BAKERS taste of malabar 30
A.K. MISHRA'S art of succes 16, 41
AAKRITI plaster of paris 2, 19
AAM PACHAK +cartoon of mang 5
AANB ayur academy of natura 3
AAROHI oil of peach +spiral 3
AASTHA the sparkle of trust 14
ABATER passion of life 41
ABC KIDS +cartoon of fruit 25
ABCON school of business 16
ABL foods of india 30
ABLAZE summit of weighing 9
ABS a house of electricals 11
ABSOLUT +face of man 33
ABSOLUT country of sweden 33
ACE +ace of spade 30
ACE group of companies 36
ACL academy of computer 16
ACME group of companies +go 19
ACTIVE PLUS +cartoon of boy 25
ADITYA AC world of fashion 14
AE ALFA a promise of qualit 9
AESTHETICS +face of woman 25
AGRIYA +cartoon of ginnie 42
AGSAR plaster of paris 1
AGSAR plaster of paris +ova 2
AHIMSAA the essence of life 16
AHUJA choice of students 16
AKBAR TRAVELS of india 16
AKBAR travels of india 7, 9, 16, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42
AKSHAYA kfp +face of boy 30
AL BEIK +cartoon of bird 16, 32
ALAM trust of quality +sun 14
ALKA a name of quality 21
ALLIANCE school of english 41
ALPHORES school of gen next 41
AMERICANINO +face of indian 25
AMRUT taste of nature +oval 30
AMRUTANJAN +face of child 5
AMUL the taste of india 5, 29
AMUL the taste of india 50 5
ANAND +cartoon of chef 43
ANAND +face of tiger 24
ANANDA +cartoon of girl 43
ANGOSTURA +face of man 5
ANGUR BRAND +bunch of grape 3
ANIP +of 11
ANKUR language of education 16
ANNS house of sweets +queen 30
ANO-TAI cuisine of china 16, 43
AP AMBIKA range of plywoods 35
APE +cartoon of monkey 9
APECASES +cartoon of monkey 9
APES CLUB +cartoon of ape 14
APSARA BINDI +face of woman 3
AQUA BLUE best of hygenic 32
AQUA GLEAM symbol of purity 11
ARCO group of industries 7
AROHI oil of apricot 3
AROMAS of china 32
AROMAS of china +arc 34
AROMAS of china +sticks arc 29
ARORA institute of english 16
ARPIT'S mark of quality 30
ARTCCOT the mark of quality 27
ARUNAGIRI BEEDI +face of ma 34
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